Practical Approach Redemption from Homosexuality.
Authentic Human Sexuality: An Integrated Christian Response” (2008, 128-131) by Judith Balswick and Jack Balswick
i. Appreciate the creation purpose of God: The starting point in dealing with a case of homosexuality is Genesis 1:27 – So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. “A committed heterosexual one-flesh relationship is a sacred expression of humankind being in God’s image as male and female… Same- gender sexual unions fall short of this intended reflection of God’s image.”
ii. Appreciate the gravity of the fall and God’s redemptive initiative: We need to recognize the devastating consequence of man’s fall into sin, disfiguring all that God intended to be good, including the relationship between human beings and our sexual expression. The goal of redemption is to restore that which has been marred by sin to its original goodness; and the beauty of redemption is that it makes this restoration possible to all who truly repent and seek it. The promise of redemption is, therefore, that homosexuals can develop rightful, non-erotic relationships with people of all genders according to God’s initial creation purpose.
iii. Develop new relationships: The homosexual who desires to change must be determined to do so and appreciate that they do not have to do what they feel like doing. He/she must cut off all former homosexual relationships and take responsibility for his or her behaviour, regardless of what thoughts, desires or feelings he or she might have. They should then seek to develop new, non-erotic, healthy and caring relationships within a faith community where they can experience the emotional intimacy and healing they need.
iv. Nurture new desires: Disengaging from homosexual behaviour is the first step that should lead to overcoming homosexual desires. This can be a slow and long process. It is facilitated by a strong commitment to flee evil, follow Christ and fight the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:11-12); reliance on the Holy Spirit to overcome temptations; building inner spiritual strength through Bible study, prayer and accountability in Christian fellowship; and finding strength and compassion among believers as the individual Journeys through struggles, guilt and suffering
v. Find home in a new community: New relationships within a community of faith would enable a recovering homosexual to find support from
Balswick, Judith K and Balswick, Jack O. 2008, 128-131. Authentic Human Sexuality: An Integrated Christian Response. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
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