Feeling Oppressed?
7 :He upholds the cause of the oppressed
and gives food to the hungry.
The Lord sets prisoners free,
8: the Lord gives sight to the blind,
the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down,
the Lord loves the righteous.
Psalm 146:7-8
These verses remind us that God is compassionate: He has a concern for everyone in need but especially for those whom society looks down upon. Amongst others, the psalmist mentions the oppressed, that is downtrodden; the exploited; the disadvantaged; and the underprivileged.
Jesus demonstrated the reality of God’s compassion when He was on earth. He always had time for people who were oppressed by others. That compassion was seen in many of the healings He performed: of lepers; of the blind; of the lame; of the demon-possessed.
It was also seen in His choice of friends’: He became known as a ‘friend of tax collectors and sinners‘ (Matthew 11:9). Tax collectors were resented by their fellow Jews because they worked for the Romans and were corrupt in charging extra tax for their own pockets.
If you are oppressed, there can be no better friend to have than Jesus. He knows just how you are feeling. He has time for you if you will take time to speak to him.
Prayer: Almighty God, I take great comfort when I read of the sort of people Jesus chose to spend time with. I think He would have spent time with me. Please help me to understand how I can get to know Jesus as a friend. AMEN