Feeling Lost?
The words of a loving father:
“We had to celebrate this happy day. For your brother was dead and has come back to life! He was lost, but now he is found!’” Luke 15:32
This verse comes at end of the parable which Jesus told of the Prodigal/lost son. In the story, the younger of the two sons asks his father for his share of the inheritance and then leaves home.
The inheritance is soon squandered. Without any friends and barely able to get enough food to survive, he is lost to know what to do.
Eventually, his thoughts turn to home. Reluctantly (and ashamed), he decides ti return, just hoping that his father might show mercy. All he wants is to be hired as a servant.
He need not have feared. His father is so thrilled when he sees his son in the distance that he runs to meet him and embraces him. The father then lays on a feast to celebrate the lost son’s return.
This is a wonderful picture of God, our Heavenly Father, who longs to welcome back all who recognise that they are lost.
Almighty God, I am like the lost son. I thought I would have a better life if You were not a part of it. How wrong I was. I now realise I do need You. I am very Sorry. AMEN.